How the Autumn brings opportunity to embrace change and take some risks

It was the perfect autumn day. Warm sun, clear blue sky, golden leaves, dewy grass. My children and I borrowed our neighbour’s dog and set off for a country walk. We walked through an old quarry and followed meandering paths in the woods, stopping to play on a rope swing. As I threw the ball for the dog, and listened to my children’s laughter, I reflected on what autumn means to me.

Autumn is a time of letting go of the summer months, drawing a line in the sand and stepping towards the next season of winter. Days get shorter and the nights get longer. You get up in the dark and finish work in the dark! Garden shrubs begin to die and need cutting back, ready to be dormant during the winter months. A change in season provides an opportunity for a change in life.  It’s a time to let go of what has happened previously and to look forwards. This sums up what life coaching is all about.

Mums who want to bring about change but are feeling stuck and lack the confidence required. They may be hanging on to the summer months and are struggling to move in to autumn. Life coaching helps them to make the transition, by giving them the opportunity to think clearly about what is important to them, taking time to shine a spotlight on their life. Life coaching sessions gives them precious time to focus, bringing clarity and a fresh perspective.

Sometimes, clients discover they need to let go of things from the past to enable them to move forwards. Life coaching is forward looking and provides an opportunity to set an inspiring goal and create a clear, motivating vision for the future. It provides the chance to face difficult issues or make some tricky decisions in a supportive environment.

The cycle of life continues just as the cycle of the seasons continue. Through the good and the bad, the seasons remain and with them they bring an opportunity for transition and change. Let’s embrace the change that is upon us and seize it as an opportunity to build us up – not bring us down. It is through our thoughts we control our own destiny. 

We have no choice but to embrace change as we go through life. Change is inevitable. Change can be scary, but if we never take the risk we are holding ourselves back from an abundance of love and beauty that is waiting for us.

So, during Autumn, let’s move forward together with a sense of gratitude for the world around us. Let’s stop letting the little things knock us down and let’s begin to appreciate what life has to offer us.

You matter. Embrace life. Enjoy the change the seasons bring.


The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Life Coach Directory are reviewed by our editorial team.

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