Dream big, act now: 5 actions to create a meaningful life today
It's a frosty winter train ride after a long week of work, my seat secured (yes, a rare feat!), and my mind drifting away from the mundane. I envisioned a life on a sun-kissed beach, wind tousling my hair, worries swept away. Ah, wild and free!

But then reality’s tannoy interrupted: “We are now approaching…” I stepped off the train, promising to revisit that dream later – it’s time for the weekend now!
Perhaps your mind wonders while washing dishes or tackling long-delayed chores. Suddenly, you’re imagining a pop-up shop in a mysterious country — a new adventure, with you on top of your game. But then the kids rush in, and the vision fades.
Or maybe it’s a business venture, a new hobby, or a different career path. These dreams spark momentary joy and excitement.
But, we return to reality and feel miles away from those dreams. We commit to earning more, chasing promotions and making more time. You tell yourself, when the time is right you will focus wholeheartedly on making those dreams a reality.
But that yearning — the sense that something’s missing — persists in the meantime. And no amount of waiting for the right moment or daydreaming will alter it.
So let’s shift perspective. You deserve happiness, confidence, and fulfilment now, not at some undefined time in the future. And anyway, dreams aren’t made overnight (unless you are unbelievably lucky) they take work and small steps that build over time.
The trouble is our dreams often feel too far removed and overwhelming. So we put it off or tell ourselves that we are not ready or that it's not the right time.
But now is as good a time as any to start exploring how to create a more meaningful life for yourself. So below are 5 steps you can take now. With each step, you will find there are more opportunities around you than you first realised. And each opportunity can get you closer to your dreams.
Reconnect to your values, passions, and needs
Connect back to what truly matters to you so you can see what is currently meeting your needs in your life and what might be missing. It's hard to know where to start if you don’t know what your core values, interests, and needs are. So start by giving yourself the time and space to reflect.
- Think of the people you admire and the moments you have felt most happy or fulfilled. What do you value most?
- Notice what you have found interesting in the past and your current life – what stands out to you?
- What do you need to work at your best?
Understand your purpose
Your values and passions are how you do things, but your purpose is why you do things. Understanding your purpose gives you the compass through which all decisions and choices can be made. Consider what your purpose might be:
- What drives you? What impact do you want to make?
- What themes have cropped up throughout your life? What are you naturally drawn to?
Break down the image of success
Think about what success means to you, the image you conjure up often gives you clues about what you want once you break it down to its essential elements.
- What is that image of success giving you: financial stability, work/life balance, and freedom?
- How can you bring more of these things into your life right now?
Open up your mind and explore different opportunities
Once you know your purpose, or even if you are not sure, be curious and open-minded. Seek new experiences and opportunities to explore your purpose and things that interest you. Rarely are things built overnight, so each small experience adds to the whole if you are open to them.
- What is one new experience or opportunity you want to explore this week
- What is a fear that might be holding you back?
Communicate your goals
Share your aspirations with others. People often support and contribute when they know your intentions. Don’t hesitate to express what you’re trying to achieve. It's always surprising how much people want to offer when they know they can be of help. Perhaps it’s the desire we all have that someone will do the same for us.
- Who can you talk to this week?
- How can you get your message out there this week?
You need to start somewhere and now is as good as time as any. You don’t need to make big changes to start working towards your goals. The more you can open your mind up to building slowly, the more opportunities come your way. Dream big and take action now!