Anna-Marie Watson

Verified Professional Verified Professional
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Available for new clients
Available for new clients

This professional is available for new clients.

Frome, Somerset, BA11
Available for new clients
Available for new clients

This professional is available for new clients.

Supervision details

Becoming a coach supervisor was a natural step for me after being regularly approached for advice and support by other coaches and individuals interested in developing their coaching skills. I have worked consistently with coach supervisors throughout her coaching career and have experienced the value of these conversations to continually improve my coaching skills, unpick the 'tricky' coaching situations which inevitably crop up from time to time and explore the feasibility of business development opportunities. I completed the Certificate in Coaching Supervision from Oxford Brookes University which formed consolidated my knowledge and refined my skills. Working together the following is suggested as a starting point though I'm always keen to ensure supervision packages are individually tailored to support you. ~ Initial on-boarding process which includes reviewing the coaching supervision agreement to develop specific goals & aspirations from coaching supervision. ~ Virtual coaching supervision (60 mins), in person or outdoors (location dependent) sessions (six) scheduled approximately every two months dependent on your work commitments and needs from the coaching supervision partnership. ~ The supervision conversations will use the 7-eyed supervision model developed by Peter Hawkins and Robina Shohet in 1985 as a framework. This integrates relational and systemic elements as it focused on the interplay between each relationship and their context within the wider system. ~ The coaching supervision partnership is designed to support ongoing coaching professional development, encourage reflection on specific coaching interactions (micro and macro level), provide cognitive and emotional support and offer ‘thinking partner’ for future business development. I'm always happy to discuss your needs to ensure our supervision partnership supports your needs.  

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Frome, Somerset, BA11

Online platforms

Google Meet

Type of session

In person

Refresh - Re-align - Restore These are the three components which are at the core of our coaching supervision work together.
