New Year tune-up

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Are you where you want to be at the end of 2019?

If, like me, as we reach the end of another year, you will be reviewing what you have achieved, whether you've met the goals you set yourself and whether you are ending the year as happy as you want to be.

We can be down on ourselves at this time of year when we realise that we have not achieved quite as much as we had hoped. But I'm going to let you into a little secret - it's not that you haven't achieved, it's merely that you've set yourself the wrong goals; yes really!

This isn't about me saying this to make you feel better - it's a fact!

In my experience of helping people over the last 17 years to evaluate and set goals, where people fall down is setting goals that they are not passionate about, realistic, or what they really want!

Just like when building a house, the foundations need time and energy to get them right to make them strong enough for the processes that follow. Goal setting is no different; you need to put the time and energy into really understanding what you want your goals to be; only then will you set realist and achievable goals!

I'm so excited to let you know today that I've created two new packages for you. The first package I'm going to share with you today is my 'New Year tune-up'. This is an opportunity for you to work with me to evaluate where you are in your life right now, where you want to be, and what you will need to do to get there (the foundation stage I talked about above).

I'm offering this new New Year package just for the month of January, and I'm releasing only 10 spots!

You will get;

  • a 90 minute face-to-face, telephone, or online (Skype, FaceTime, etc) session
  • a life review of where you are now and where you want to be in the future
  • a follow-up email or voice recording containing key points, actions, and development suggestion

You will get all of this for just £99.

As an added bonus, if you book this package, should you choose to take up any further coaching with me you will receive 10% off any initial package you book with me.

These packages sell out quickly, so if you want to secure one of the 10 slots, then contact me immediately.

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Hosted by Debi Haden

Certified life and Business mindset coach, NLP master practitioner and mindfulness facilitator. The founder of women's Confidence programme 'She Who Dares Shines' Transformational Confidence programme for women. 30+yrs supporting people to overcome limiting beliefs, build self-esteem and confidence and achieve things they never thought possible.