Women experiencing difficult transitions turn to life coaching
These are difficult times for many, especially older women. With many having devoted their lives to their families and careers, they now find they are ‘empty nesters’ who are losing their job or in fear of loosing it, reports the US’s Washington Examiner.
Carol Hayes of Life Wellspring Coaching helps find the right path through that transition explaining that when her youngest child moved out it was a big change in her life because she no longer had a purpose. "People are in transition, whether it is a young person just out of college or someone facing job loss or looking at retirement," Hayes said. She looks into a number of aspects including health and wellness, relationships, careers and finances, life balance and spiritual and energy leadership.
The program run by Hayes focuses primarily on women and looks into certain obstacles that could be keeping them from reaching a goal, such as fear. Similar programmes to the one that Hayes runs have been found to help alleviate the stress of the menopause, identifying and selecting goals to achieve and developing a customised plan.
A weekly group she leads discusses topics such as financial management, taking care of others without losing yourself and balancing the many facets of life.” It provides group wisdom. You discover you are not the only one with questions or get a new way of looking at things," Hayes said.