The Fear of Failure
"Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt" (William Shakespeare).
Fear of failure is, more often than not, the fear of not measuring up to others, or, of falling short of what we believe to be the expectations of others. Such anxiety does not originate from within us but is acquired over years of conditioning. As such it can be identified, observed, & left far behind us.
Our desire for appreciation, approval and esteem, can compel us to abandon ours inner selves in the futile search for external affirmations of our worth. The desire to please others in order to feel of value becomes a need, and this is a hole that can never be filled.
If, however, we can make positivity of outlook, goodness of intention, & compassion, our moment by moment companions, the appreciation we once sought so desperately fades in importance & we no longer have that need to satisfy. Instead we are warmed by a profound and internal sense of our self, our world, and our core values.
Whatever we seek, we should allow ourselves the luxury of the compassion, the patience, and the common humanity, we so easily give everyone else.