How to make your CV standout from the crowd
We know that recruiters are very busy people. Often, they find themselves having to sift through a dozen of CVs to find the handful that really stand out. You want your CV to be that very special one they choose to select. You want your CV to be the one that makes them anxious to speak to you and to book you for an interview.
How do you go about making your CV stand out? Well, when you start to write your CV, keep in mind what the document should be about. Most CVs set out a narrative describing work history in terms of jobs held and skills that have been acquired, as well as training and qualifications. All CVs need to include this information, of course, and it needs to be accurate. But to have a real impact the job history should focus mainly on roles held within the last five to ten years. And it needs to show a recruiter, or a potential employer, exactly how the candidate can add value to their particular job and to their organization.
How do you show that you can add value?
First, remember it is important to tailor your CV for each role you apply for. Read the advert, job description and any job specification, very carefully before you begin to tailor your CV. Think about those special qualities and experience that they say they are looking for.
Then, do a little bit of research on the employer's organization itself, if you can. What are they likely to prize and value? Now, for each role that you include in your job history, show briefly how you added the kinds of values that the new employers say they want or are likely to be looking for. Say what you achieved. Be honest in what you say but now is not the time to be too modest. What was your contribution and what hurdles did you have to overcome? What value was delivered?
Look at the skills they say they want. If you have demonstrated those skills in what you have done, then include them in the list of skills you put at the start of your CV.
Tailor the summary at the top of your CV to show how you are going to be what they say they are looking for. Make it easy for the recruiter, or a potential employer, to see from your CV exactly why you are the candidate they seek. Make sure your CV stands out from the crowd.