Ten top tips to Life Life to the Fullest

1. Keep reminding yourself that “Life is not a rehearsal” – you will only get one life once so be sure to make the most of it! Unlike Bill Murray in “Groundhog Day”, you only get one go at living each day so don’t waste it.

2. Take time to think about what you want to achieve in all aspects of your life and work out your top priorities and then resolve to take action to achieve them.

3. Make your "wishes" into Goals. According to Yale University, people who set goals are high achievers. Why? Because people with goals know where they are going – it’s as simple as that! You then have clear aims and objectives towards which to channel your effort and energy.

4. Make sure you understand your motivation for wanting to change. There is an old saying that “People act to gain a reward or to avoid a penalty” – is your motivation gaining pleasure or avoiding pain? Have you got an awesome list of reasons why you want to do the things on your list – and if you haven’t, why are they on there?

5. Make sure you focus on what you do want and not what you don’t want – your subconscious mind will work to achieve the things you think about most – whether you want them or not!

6. Think about the consequences of not achieving your goals e.g. what happens if you don’t stop smoking? If there are no consequences, then you are not likely to take action and you need to reconsider your goals.

7. Write down your goals otherwise they will just remain vague notions and dreams. By writing them down, you engrave them in your subconscious and it makes them real – something you can see and touch! If you are a visual person, create a picture of your future as if you have achieved this goal – the car you want, or the person you want to be.

8. Set yourself short, medium and long term goals – and plan on how you will get there just one step at a time.

9. If you are going through a difficult time, use it to kick-start your action. You will be much more motivated to change your situation when you are having a hard time.

10. Do something different! Take actions that will take you a step closer to where you want to be and make sure that this is a year you look back on with pride and joy recalling all your achievements over the year.
Good luck and enjoy the journey!

The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Life Coach Directory are reviewed by our editorial team.

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