Have a happy 2016 with these seven tips!

It's January, days are short, money is tight, it hardly gets light, and it rains and rains... and rains.

It's a tough time to make New Year resolutions - let alone difficult ones like - no alcohol for the whole of January, lose seven kilos by Easter and smile brightly at hubby every morning as soon as the alarm goes off!

So, here are some slightly easier ones:

  • No more than one complaint a day. You can have a minute's moan, but if you can't do anything about it - 60 seconds is all you get.
  • Do not give yourself an unnecessarily hard time. Instead be kind and gentle in those moments when you are most vulnerable to your own wrath.
  • Make a note of the good things about your life - however small, every day. Encourage those positive cells to multiply.
  • Do something for someone else. Not like a martyr, or goody two shoes - but genuinely. It could be something as simple as listening or buying a coffee.
  • Allow people to do something for you and accept compliments with a clear and warm 'thank you'.
  • Get off the hamster wheel. Every day give yourself at least five minutes of peace. Treat yourself with your own wisdom. Sit quietly with no distractions and you'll be amazed at what happens. 
  • Get a yoga app and do 15 minutes of stretching once a week. Yoga is great for the joints, muscles and the mind. You can start by just lying on the floor and moving your arms in the comfort of your home.

With very warm wishes for a great 2016!


The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Life Coach Directory are reviewed by our editorial team.

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