Career coach your way to your dream job

With an increase in redundancies, work stress, and an overwhelming need to perhaps find a job - more and more people are finding themselves in career mire.

For many, feelings of being trapped can creep in, as well as a crushing desperation that they’re never going to find the career they're supposed to be doing.

Does this sound like something you are experiencing? Here are three ‘coach’ yourself tips to get you on the right career track:

Stop job hunting

This may sound strange, considering the message. However, spending time incessantly searching the job market will actually prevent you from dealing with the one thing that’s going to get you to your dream career. Searching for your own motivations, skills, strengths and other attributes will help you decide what makes you tick. Match yourself to a job, not a job to yourself.

Explore your values

Successful, happy people know and understand their core beliefs and values. So in order to start understanding yourself better, select the top 10 values that best reflect how you run your personal and professional life. For example, if your top values are about fun and adventure; it’s unlikely you’ll find these characteristics in a corporate career.

Mind Mapping

No holds-barred with this exercise! Wave a magic wand, think back to your childhood. What career would you have loved? Place the word ‘career’ or ‘dream job’ in the centre of a piece of paper and write down any words that spring to mind. Section the different ideas, and from these words explore and think broadly about everything to do with that original thought. You’ll be surprised once you put pen to paper just what your brain comes up with.

Overall, give yourself time and space to really explore what makes you tick. Good luck in coaching yourself towards a new dream career – make it happen!

The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Life Coach Directory are reviewed by our editorial team.

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