The 3 principles global community online conference

07841 437 951 07841 437 951
28th February - 1st March 2020, 5.00pm - 1.00am
Open to all

Join me for 'Understanding Can Open the Door to Global Change', which is the first worldwide event of its type to be presented by the Three Principles Global Community.

I will be presenting Enriching the Golden Years: How understanding the Principles has revolutionised retirement life at 5 pm GMT on 1st March 2020.

The entire conference runs from February 28th to 1st March and will focus on how a simple, insightful understanding of the psychological and spiritual nature of human beings can open the door to change for individuals, relationships, communities, and globally.

The 3PGC has gathered a range of speakers from across the world representing many different fields.

Leading transformative coaches and authors speaking during the two days are Michael Neill, Piers Thurston, Chantal Burns, and Jaqueline Burrows. 

What all of the participants have in common is that they have experienced a shift in their understanding, leading to new levels of wisdom, clarity, and well-being.

This shift has automatically led to changes in their lives and work and has affected their clients, colleagues, and communities.

Please join me as we explore this new understanding and see if it helps to open the doors for the change you are looking for.

This understanding is already being learned by people all over the world with amazing results.

My own experience has revolutionised the way I coach clients, and now I’ve reached my mid-sixties, I’m focusing on helping people overcome the identity crisis that often accompanies the end of a long and successful working career.

More details and booking arrangements

The conference will start on Friday 28th February at 11 am USA Pacific Time and continue through Sunday, 1st March at 6 pm PT, with three, one-hour speaker sessions in a row, followed by a one-hour break. No matter where you are in the world, there will be live speaker sessions during your daytime hours. All the sessions will be held on zoom and recorded, so you’ll be able to watch live or any recorded sessions once the recordings are uploaded to the web site. You can always easily check your local time for any speaker sessionhere -

The booking fee is $75 USD; see this link for more details -

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Hosted by David Cotterill

David Cotterill is a full time life coach and mentor specialising in the 'three principles' paradigm, having been coaching and facilitating change for clients and corporate groups for over 10 years.

Hosted by David Cotterill