Being and doing - end the year on a high

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About this event

Do you find that:

  • you set goals and then stumble at the first hurdle?
  • you don't know where to turn for support when you come up against obstacles?
  • you are your own worst enemy?
  • your mood and motivation is affected by your environment, and stopping you from doing what you want to do?
  • you lose sleep worrying about how you will achieve your goals?

See below for special rates during these challenging times

Next Course: starts on Monday 12 October 2020 - with lifetime access to the material and videos so you can work through them in your own time. So don't worry if you have a holiday during the eight weeks!

Course themes

This eight-week online course will cover the following themes:

Week 1: 
Being and Doing
– staying in the ‘Zone of Optimal Performance’.

Week 2:
The Hero’s Journey – overcoming obstacles and enhancing your emotional intelligence.

Week 3:
Managing Your Mood, Mind And Motivation.

Week 4:     
Understanding Yourself Part 1: your personality, who are you?

Week 5:    
Developing a ‘Growth Mindset’: to assist you in continuing to change long after this course has finished.

Week 6:    
Your Sphere Of Influence: focussing on what you can change, and how you communicate with and influence others.

Week 7    
Understanding Yourself Part 2: What drives your behaviour, how to be OK all of the time.

Week 8    
Returning Home and Celebrating – Reviewing your successes, what you have learned. Exploring what next and how you can keep developing yourself further using the tools and techniques on an on-going basis?

What does the course include each week?

Monday Motivational videos:

With me introducing the topic of the week providing you with:

  • Worksheets, handouts, tools and techniques to help you take action during the week.

Wonderful Wednesdays:

  • What are your gratitudes this week? How do you change your being to help you to keep doing?

Fantastic Fridays:

  • End the week on a high, whatever has happened.
  • I will share a different technique each week to help you to review and learn from your week.
  • I will encourage you to think about what is going to bring you joy, contentment, fun over the weekend. 

What else does it include?

Plus, weekly inspiration in the form of TED talks or YouTube postings.

Plus, weekly input from back issues of:

  • Melanie’s Monday Motivational Messages
  • inspire coaching newsletters

Plus, you can work through the material in your own time, so if you are busy at work or on holiday for a period of time, you can still access all the material for your lifetime.

Option: there is also an option to include in the package one x 30 minute 121 Skype or telephone coaching session during the eight-week programme.


Your Investment: There are two packages -

Silver Being and Doing:

All this for £99 inc. VAT for lifetime access to all the videos, handouts, and exercises. Special rates during these challenging times £69 inc. VAT

Gold Being and Doing:

All this for £199 inc. VAT for lifetime access to all the videos, handouts, exercises, plus your own 1-2-1, 30 minute Skype coaching session during the eight weeks to support you in embedding the learning into your life. Special rates during these challenging times £169 inc. VAT

How to book

Only 12 places available for the course starting on Monday 12 October 2020.

Register now, please email me and I will send you your joining instructions, or for questions, you can call me on the number above. 

For a taste of my approach watch me introduce the Being and Doing course.


Past coaching clients have said:

‘Being self-employed, I miss having colleagues to discuss scenarios, problems or even to celebrate successes, coaching with Melanie gives me this. I have learned so much from Melanie in terms of how to process information. She never judges me, but her relaxed and calm personality definitely helps me put a different perspective on issues and gives me confidence to then know how to deal with them.’ MD Marketing Consultant

‘Like many I sometimes struggled to maintain a steady level of confidence, optimism or motivation. Melanie introduced me to exercises and techniques which help maintain the habits of confidence and motivation which lead to a more productive and happier life. Melanie is very experienced, caring and conscientious and any team, business or individual will benefit from her guidance.’ FM Financial Consultant

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Hosted by Melanie Greene

Melanie Greene is a chartered occupational psychologist, NLP master practitioner with over 30 years experience as a coach and trainer working within the private and public sector. She set up her own consultancy, Inspire Transformation, in 1991 and has subsequently published two books, inc 'Master Your Inner Critic'.