A CAPE conversation about getting the best from teams

call 07834 161 632 07834 161 632
calendar_today 17th September 2024, 2.00pm - 3.00pm
person Open to all
universal_currency_alt Free
location_on Online

Whilst we know that traditional office-centric work is far from obsolete, remote and hybrid working isn’t a trend or a fad either. It is here to stay with one study predicting 73% of all departments by 2028 are expected to have remote workers. 

What many of us would have thought unimaginable 5+ years ago is now the norm with more teams spread across cities, countries and even continents. However, what the post-pandemic world has told us is that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. There are challenges and opportunities presented by both in-person and remote teams, and this is what makes it such a difficult area to navigate for people leaders.

This CAPE conversation will explore the world of leading remotely and how to develop high-performing teams, that collaborate, innovate, and deliver no matter where they are based. Whether you lead or are part of a remote or hybrid team, or you are worried about the implications if you do move away from being office-centric, you’ll come away with practical ideas to use immediately.

Naomi Regan is joined by Jim Cosser, Group Chief Information Security Officer at Zepz.

Join them on this important topic to dispel some common fears and misconceptions:

  • You can’t build a workplace/team culture remotely…
  • It’s much harder to lead a remote/hybrid team successfully...
  • Quality, productivity, and collaboration suffer when teams don’t work in the same location…

And leave feeling more equipped and confident knowing:

  •  How you can create a positive and productive environment no matter where your team is based.
  • How to enable innovation and collaboration virtually.
  • What are the practical things that leaders can do to get the best from their teams, even if they don’t see them in person.

Register here: https://live.zoho.eu/X9ExqoQePY

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Hosted by Lynsey Kitching

At CAPE Coaching & Development, we are dedicated to providing high-quality, impactful development that truly makes a difference. Our programmes, coaching and workshops are designed to be engaging, practical, and relevant, ensuring your teams gain the skills and insights they need to excel.

Hosted by Lynsey Kitching