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3 steps to a new career online course
Course Overview
Check out our course here.
I have worked with many clients (offline) and now taking this training online due to COVID 19, working with clients who need clarity on their next career move. I have coached both one to one and in smaller group settings going to explore:
- what you want
- why you want it
- how to get it
Many people want to start a side-business to explore how this feels if they have a yearning to start their own business but don’t want to take a huge risk by leaving employment too soon.
The three steps to a new career course is designed for:
- Self-Study (work at your own pace) and even more effective when used alongside one to one or group coaching.
- Access to a private community group to ask career and course-related questions and get support throughout.
I would recommend doing the course at the same time as having one to one coaching sessions to get maximum benefit although some people prefer to take the course for self-study.
The course will help you to get clear on your inner genius which is a critical step in finding career fulfilment and how to market yourself more effectively (in business, a new career or as an entrepreneur).
You will work on:
- Navigating the array of career choices to remove overwhelm and career confusion.
- Discover your natural talents and how to apply them in a job search or existing role.
- Learn how to carry out ‘career experiments’ before making any major career decisions.
- Being held accountable to take action as you are supplied with individual worksheets and videos.
- Thought-provoking questions to direct you closer to a more meaningful career that plays to your strengths.
- Discover your core values and how they play an important part in doing work you love.
- Discover the well-developed aspects of your personality as well as the aspects to develop further.
- Review past achievements and specifically how your talents have contributed to those successes.
- Discover just how important changing your career really is for you and what’s actually driving you.
- Commit to take each step as you go through the course.
- Learn how to move beyond any fear that might be holding your back in making a wrong career decision.
- Have a well-defined career plan to plan your next career journey.

I am a Certified Strengths Coach through the Gallup organisation, NLP Practitioner and Life Coach with 25+ years experience coaching individuals teams, leaders and organisations such as TNT, FedEx, Sonos, Google and BT as well as individual coaching around career advice, recruitment and interview preparation and starting a business.