Could turning off your mobile set you free?

Experts agree that ditching our smartphones could make us happier.

A team has been created within the Cabinet Office called the Behavioural Insights Team (more commonly known as the Nudge Unit) who is charged with the task of suggesting ways people can improve their lives by making small changes. This team has recently advised that switching off our mobile phones could help to increase our happiness.

Professor Paul Dolan from the London School of Economics (and former member of the insights team) is an expert on happiness and advises that our smartphones are distracting us from the real world.

“Turning your phone off and enjoying being with your friends is much better for you than constantly checking your phone and emails,” he told an audience at Hay Festival in Colombia.

While his opinion may not be popular with a generation obsessed with social media, he is not alone in his thoughts. He is simply articulating something millions of others are also concerned about: that our super-connected world is in fact worryingly disconnected from things that matter.

Once you cut the virtual ties with those you are in touch with 24/7, you will realise just how stressful those ties were, how much energy you were wasting worrying about that work email and how exhausting other people’s demands on your time were.

So next time you are off work, either on holiday or even at the weekend, try to disconnect. Turn off your phone and unplug the computer. Spend some time with your real friends and family, indulge in an incredible dinner (without intagramming it immediately to your followers) and enjoy some quiet time in nature.

If you feel you could benefit from making small changes like this in your life, speaking to a life coach could help – take a look at our Life Coaching Areas page to see how.

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Written by Kat Nicholls
Kat is a Senior Writer for Life Coach Directory and Happiful magazine.
Written by Kat Nicholls
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