Does early retirement effect our ‘little grey cells’?
Recent research has suggested that those who reach retirement age and choose to stay in employment have better memories then those who retire early, reports the Daily Mail.
Researchers from the U.S analysed data on how individuals over 50 responded to a fairly basic memory test which involved recalling a list of 10 words straight after hearing them and then again 10 minutes later.
Currently, workers in the UK can retire aged 65 with the German and French workforce usually retiring in their 50s and many Americans often working for their entire lives.
The top score for the test was 20 and U.S residents proved to have the best memory with an average score of 11. England closely followed with a score of 10 then France with eight, Italy with seven and Spain with six.
The study highlights the importance of social and personality skills which work at keeping our mind active. Getting up for work in the morning and dealing with people on a daily basis at work are things which we don’t spend as much time doing when we retire which is why it is really important that we try to stay as physically and mentally active as we can.