Spring clean your house and your head
The beginning of a New Year always brings about a bout of positivity and good intentions that sadly we often fail to carry through. If you are beginning to feel the February slump then you could need a little pick me up. We have heard that spring cleans can be invigorating so why not start early?
De-cluttering your home is an excellent way of clearing your mind and getting back your pizazz if you are lacking in life inspiration. Our surroundings really influence our mood and who we are and a well organised, clean serene house will often result in a well organised, clean serene mind.
Of course you are not expected to clear the whole house in one day. Think about how long it has taken you to accumulate this clutter and take small steps when clearing it. If you try to take on too much at the beginning it won’t be long before you become frustrated and throw in the towel.
A helpful tip is to write a list of tasks, it doesn’t matter if it is long as remember you need to break everything down into small manageable tasks. It might take you a few weeks to get through them all but once you have finished you will have the satisfaction of having created a really calm and comfortable atmosphere which will in turn help you out of that slump and give you a renewed sense of self.