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Are you waiting in the wings? Waiting to feel sufficiently confident to step onto the stage, put you and your ideas in the spotlight, and share your…
The higher the building, the stronger the foundations needed. Here are three actions to take before developing your business plans to ensure you are…
You, employee engagement and coaching Have you ever considered what coaching can do for you personally? As well as being transformative for individu…
Networking, in the main, should be a pleasant, supportive and enterprising experience. An opportunity to meet with like-minded business people who ar…
You are perfectly aligned with your organisation’s motives. The people in your team are self-motivated and high-performing. They too are aligned with…
Coaching is not just for executives or for when things go wrong; it’s not counselling, and it’s not mentoring. So, now we know what it isn’t, let’s e…
Nowadays, the scale of our digital usage is quite frightening. Over one-fifth of us spend more than 40 hours - more than the average working week - o…
Welcome to part one of 'how do senior professionals excel'. In your professional life, as you have come up the ranks or aspire to do so, what sets t…
Changing the mindset is not straightforward. There is a process; it can take time with an individual or team(s), and it needs the right change agent…
Is fear holding you back from leaving your corporate role, starting a new job, taking the promotion, growing your business or going travelling and ex…
"We only do well the things we like doing." - Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette, French novelist Do you enjoy a tasty meal? Often it can be something to loo…
As I am approaching 50 years old, I recently sat down with my financial adviser to create a plan for the next 20 to 30 years of my life. He had some…
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