What a wonderful workshop
Sutton awaken your inner goddess workshop
We started off the afternoon with a brief introduction about what goal setting is and we discussed that when we first set a goal, it may seem very daunting and impossible to achieve, but the most important key is to make it big enough to inspire you; something that will really get you fired up. The way I know is that it will cause me an intake of breath and at the same time, fill me with excitement.
One of the questions I asked was ‘have you ever felt yourself in that scenario?’. I’m sure many of you have. When you want something that you know someone else has achieved, ask them how it happened, what steps did they need to take to get there. In coaching and NLP, this is called ‘modelling’; you look for someone who’s already achieved what you want to achieve. You can do your research to find out everything, but this saves you going the long way round, it gives you shortcuts to the end result. I find this very useful and I use it a lot when I’m researching things; when I want to know how somebody else works in my field. I listen to them, I watch them, I read about them, it’s a very good tip. It could be a person you don’t know, it could be someone you already know, it could be a person that’s done what you want to do; it’s turning the invisible into the visible.
If you think your goal is quite impossible, take a look around you, look at the TV, look at the computer, look at all sorts of things that seemed impossible, when someone first thought about inventing them, that was their goal. I know that’s an old cliché, but how many years did it take for Thomas Edison to invent the light bulb?
I spoke to the group about using a timeline. When you have a goal, look at the end and you see the vision and you take yourself to the end where you’ve achieved it. Whatever it is you’ve achieved, put colour behind it, make it larger than life, hear voices, hear sounds, whether it’s celebrations, balloons popping, going up in the air, fire crackers, fireworks or applause, whatever it is, feel it in your body, feel it in your system, so it then becomes real; you can then work backwards from that. What was the step you took before the last step and then you look at the step you took before that and then one before that and so on and so on. If you break it down over months, weeks or however long you think it will take to achieve your goal, split that time up until you get to the point where you’ve decided what that goal is. I know what my goal is and this is the first step, because I already have the last step. You can always turn around when you get to that last step, when you get to that final goal and look down that timeline and see yourself where you are right now and it gives you an idea of what you needed to know to have got to that end picture.
I find this very useful because sometimes when a goal is very daunting - it has a lot of components, there is a lot to learn, you might have to get people on your side - but when you break it down into small bite sizes, it makes it more doable, more manageable. That’s part of goal setting.
Then I would ‘when you set that goal, what do you want? How will you know when you’ve reached your goal? Have you looked on that timeline? Can you celebrate it? Have you celebrated it? What is the reality of it? Is the reality of your goal achievable, is it within your grasp? Do you have the resources you need to make this possible? Do you need to gain more qualifications to reach the end result? Do you have the time, energy, enough money, conviction, the why, the want?’ Then there are the options. What options do you have to reach the goal, what could you do? What needs to be done for you to move yourself nearer to your goal? What options do exist? What are the pros and cons of each option? Are there any other options that you may want to consider? Then, what will you do? Commit to a specific action and timing so that motivation is established. What will your next steps be? When will you start? Where will it be? How will you measure your progress? What will you do to overcome barriers and as I’ve mentioned before, don’t forget your willpower. What is the why? There has to be a why; why people do things; think why you want to put yourself through the stuff that you put yourself through to get to that end goal.
Goal setting is what is important to you right now, if you might have had a similar experience, what progress have you made so far? Have you tackled a similar situation before? What one small step are you going to take now? That was quite powerful when I asked the group this question; some said that they were going to think about, some said that they were going to do something about it.
I don’t know what anyone set as a goal, I didn’t want to know, I left that to them, but we discovered our own limiting beliefs and what is blocking us from achieving our goals, so my next session will be on how we can change our beliefs so that we can reach our goals.
If you’d like to know how to set your own goals, contact me http://www.liveyourdreamlifecoaching.co.uk/contact-me.html – I look forward to hearing from you.