Taking Healthy Risks to Move Forward in Life
Taking risks in life is usually associated with doing something that maybe detrimental to us or those around us. Looking at approaching this area in a different way and maybe considering this as healthy risk taking can help you to challenge yourself and do something you may dread otherwise.
Sometimes we know we are in fear, and no amount of positive self talk is going to help us. By sharing our fear around an activity, phone call or whatever is becoming difficult for us with a close trusted friend, and making a clear date and time to conquer this may help. We can share our experience with the same friend having taken the healthy risk, as this allows us to explore our feelings further and may be challenge those that are difficult. You may be pleasantly surprised!
I've struggled with this myself and recently challenged myself by trying a new activity. My health club has recently introduced anti-gravity yoga, which is very different as you do your workout using silk hammocks and have very little access to the floor and a yoga mat.
At my first class we were introduced to inversions in the first five minutes, which looked overwhelming initially. Having done this successfully and allowing myself to feel a little anxiety and fear I did feel fantastic after. It was an exhilarating experience, and I did this several times within the hour to challenge my fear of been in the air. I have since been back and tried other exercises to challenge myself.
Taking healthy risks in life allows you to grow by challenging your inner critic that has doubt and fear and will always find an excuse to procrastinate by avoiding taking that healthy loving risk. The more you can step out of your fear the easier it will become. Over time the more risks you take the stronger you will become and welcome new challenges.
Feel the fear and take that healthy risk, trust that you will be taken care of and enjoy the Rewards!