So summer's round the corner (fingers crossed!) and it's the time when we might make the opportunity for a bit of down-time. A little time out to recharge and congratulate ourselves for having ploughed through half the year with hopefully some positives to look back on. But what are we looking forward to, as well?
Have you got plans in place, and are they as far advanced as you'd hope? If you don't know where you aim to be – how do you know if you got there?
Is it time for a bit of clearing the decks?
Take a look at the 'dead wood' in your life - is it final bits of work projects that need loose ends to be tied up, or have you things around the house or garden that just need that extra push to get them completed? Focus on how you will feel once they are done, and use that as your motivation to take charge.
Or maybe you realise that you still haven't started on things you had wanted to do.
Think about what you want out of your plans, then think what the very first step is that you need to take to progress it. The first step is likely to be manageable, and it's worth remembering that even for bigger things, the way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time!
Even though it's time out for others, you may still be very aware that the wheel keeps turning.
Are there periods when other business activities are necessarily slow due to contacts being on out of the office – leaving opportunities to get tasks sorted you don't usually get around to? Or do you have to think about how you are going to manage the fact that other staff are not going to be around – a bit of planning ahead could save some headaches.
Finally, at the end of the traditional holiday season, what do you want to have achieved?
What would a fulfilled summer look like? Do you want a complete change of scenery with different experiences, or do you need to think about what relaxation means to you? Or is it more important to have started to get on with 'stuff'?
Whatever it is, make sure it's right for you, so that when everyone else around you is talking about 'having a break', you will know that you haven't been left out. Enjoy!