Statistics show an increase in middle aged people living alone

According to recent statistics there has been a 31 per cent increase in the number of middle-aged people living alone during the past decade.

Figures from the Office for National Statistics have stated that in 2001 there were approximately 1.78 million individuals living alone aged between 45 and 64. Almost a decade later and that number has increased by 31 per cent to 2.33 million in 2010.

It is believed this large increase is linked to effects of a high divorce rate, more couples cohabiting and also those who choose to 'live together apart', which is a term for couples who decide to live separately for whatever reason.

Editor at large at Saga Magazine, Emma Soames believes divorce has a lot to do with this: ''We know that divorce rates in this age category is higher than any other. An awful lot of people wait to divorce until their children have left home. They decide to make a new life for themselves when they become empty nesters.''

She added that many individuals would prefer to live on their own as opposed to being in an unhappy relationship.

If you are in a relationship and are feeling confused about whether or not you still want to be, are facing divorce or separation are feeling trapped, or are just generally struggling then it may be worth considering relationship coaching. To find out more please visit our fact-sheet.

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