How to put the spark back in your relationship
Breathe some life into your relationship with these helpful tips.

There are times in all relationships, whether you've been together for two years or 20, when things become a little stale. You may take each other for granted, stress about wedding/baby/parenting plans or even forget what it was that brought you together in the first place.
Before you resign yourself to a spark-less relationship, try the following hints and suggestions:
Recreate your first date
Reminiscing about the early dates you went on together can really help to remind you why you got together in the first place. Recreate one of these early dates, hold hands, talk about how you felt when you first met and recommit to each other.
Do something together you have never done before
Whether it's going on a long hike, taking a cookery class or even trying salsa dancing - doing something out of routine will help to shake things up a bit and will help you feel excited about your future together. The same goes for exploring somewhere new together, so keep that in mind next time you book a holiday.
Look at your partner the way others do
When you get very close to another person it can be all too easy to focus on their flaws. When you look at your partner you may see their untidiness or their interruption habit. When your friends look at the same person, chances are they see an energetic, fun and confident person. Next time you socialise with friends, try to look at your partner in the same light and remember just how great he/she really is.
Make time for each other
Often when a couple moves in together, rather than spending more time together they end up more like passing ships in the night. To counteract this, try to set aside some quality time together at least once a week - free from distraction - where you can catch up with each other and have some fun.
Reassess your values
When you first got together with your partner, you probably discussed your goals and values - but as the years go by, you may find these goals and values have shifted. Make sure you get together to discuss your future to see if you are still aligned and if not, how you can adapt.
Whether you could do with some impartial relationship advice, or you need help finding the right partner, a relationship coach could help. Find out more by visiting our relationship coaching page.
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