Mothers feel pressured to lie about their parenting, reveals study

Mothers feel pressured to lie about their parenting, reveals studyA recent study of 5000 mums conducted by parenting website Netmums has revealed that many mothers feel so much pressure to be the perfect parent that they tell white lies about what they feed their children and how much television they watch.

Almost two-thirds of the mums who took part in the survey admitted to fibbing about the amount of TV their children watched and one in five said they spent longer playing with their children than they actually did.

In addition, two-thirds of those surveyed said they had not been honest with other parents about how well they were coping with parenthood and almost half covered up financial worries.

The study also revealed that it was peer pressure from other mothers on the school run and at the nursery etc that made them feel compelled to lie in the first place, with nine out of ten comparing themselves to other mothers.

In response to these findings Netmums is launching 'The Real Parenting Revolution' a campaign which hopes to encourage parents to accept the reality of their circumstances and how they live, as opposed to feeling disappointed for not achieving perfecting.

To find out more about Netmums campaign for a more honest approach to family life, visit the website here and to view the original article please click here.


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