How will our homes change in 2012?

changing homes prediction 2012House-swaps instead of holidays, three generations living under one roof, adults living off the 'bank of mum and dad' - is this how our living habits will adapt to the current economic, political and environmental climate over the next year? Caroline McGhie of the Telegraph makes her predictions.

Queen Elizabeth's speech this Christmas placed great emphasis on the importance of family and community life. As she stated: “We’ve seen that it’s in hardship that we often find strength from our families." True, conflict often causes humans to draw together for strength, comfort and survival. McGhie believes that we will see this happening to a greater extent over the next year, with the home itself becoming a central point in our lives.

House swaps

According to, house swapping is becoming an increasingly popular and cheaper alternative to traditional holidays. House swapping is where families exchange houses for a short period of time at no cost. For example, if you own a large four bedroom house with sea-views in Devon, you might be able to arrange a house swap with a family who owns a large villa and pool in LA. Whatever the type of property you own, it is usually possible to find a match willing to swap.

Family homes

The idea of a 'family home' is set to change this year. According to McGhie, 2012 will see many more cases of parents, grandparents and children all living in the same house. With mortgage deposits setting an unattainable goal for many couples on the UK, teaming up with other family members may be the only feasible way forward. Parents benefit from having the help and support of their own parents, which children benefit from having their grandparents around for extra wisdom and perspective. The harder times become, the more young people will need the wisdom and experience of older generations.

Bank of mum and dad

It is becoming more and more difficult for young people to get onto the property market, what with deposits currently so high. Parents will continue to feel uncomfortable with the idea of having equity in property while their children struggle. It is becoming common practise for parents to help their children buy properties for the first time.

If you would like to make improvements to your living arrangements over the next year, whether for financial, relationship or health reasons, you may benefit from visiting a life coach. A life coach can help you to realise goals by applying expert techniques. To find out more about these techniques, and how they could help, please visit Life Coaching Areas. Alternatively, you could search for a life coach near you.

View and comment on the original Telegraph article. 



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