Content free life coaching
Professional life coaches take client confidentiality extremely seriously. I operate under strict codes of conduct and ethics set out by the Association of Coaching, the Association of Neuro Linguistic Programming and the International Neuro Linguist Programming and Trainers Association. I also cover the issue of confidentiality in my pre-contracting documentation which I issue to my clients, to ensure they can feel completely comfortable, safe and relaxed about being coached by me.
I know that some clients struggle with the prospect of talking about difficult issues. Some issues can be extremely difficult to talk about, especially in the early stages of the coaching relationship, before a deep trust has been established. An individual may not wish to share their thoughts or memories. Putting thoughts into words is a powerful process and so this difficulty is perfectly natural. My role as a coach is to offer methods to enable clients to achieve their goals.
This is when 'content free coaching' can be invaluable. With 'content free coaching' I ask questions, and the client responds silently, within themselves. Using this technique requires training, skill and intuition on my part to interpret what’s happening internally for my client, but I have now witnessed and successfully applied this effective technique on many different occasions.
So, if you have been considering coaching, to assist you to move forward, or to make a change, be reassured that you only ever need to share as much as you are comfortable to share.
Contact me, Pam at, to arrange an initial, free, friendly telephone discussion to establish how I can assist you.