Resolving conflict in relationships

Flipping an old saying on its head - we can experience the storm before the calm. When a couple express their fear and anger, it can test how much they actually mean to each other and if they want to reach a mutually beneficial conclusion.

Human beings typically want the same things - financial stability, love, happiness and good health, just to name a few. We may differ in the approach to get what we want, but we should remind ourselves of our common goals. Here are some suggestions on how to find some common ground:

  • Remember that your peace of mind is yours only. Nobody can take it away from you unless you let them.
  • Don’t forget that your goal is to reach harmony in your relationships.
  • Before you speak, ask yourself this,”How would I take this if it was said to me?”
  • Check your intentions. Are you communicating to hurt or connect?
  • Would you rather be happy or right? Sometimes you may need to let go of the need to be correct.
  • Try to reevaluate your opinion of people. You can be more open and loving to others if you stop trying to change them.
  • Start reiterating the self-affirmation that you deserve happiness in your life.
  • Try to respectfully ask them to sit down and talk things over.

Here’s a formula that you could use to express yourself:

1. When I heard/saw (action).

2. I felt scared/mad/sad (emotion).

3. I would like (action).

4. Can we work this out?

  • Remember to only focus on one thing at a time to avoid confusing matters.
  • If you know you can become reactive and explosive, take a few breaths to get your thoughts together. If you become emotional, write down the points you would like to cover.
  • Don’t use threats like ending the relationship unless it’s got to the point where you will actually follow through.
  • Apologise for the part you had to play. Remember that in most conflicts, there are at least two injured parties.
  • When tensions run high, agree to take a time out while still focusing on the problem at hand.
  • Try to accept that your partner is different to you - sometimes agreeing to disagree is the best option.
  • Let your partner know the areas that you do agree on, you can then focus on your common desires and move on with the relationship.

The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Life Coach Directory are reviewed by our editorial team.

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