Coach spotlight: Archna Tharani

Every month we shine a spotlight on one of our coaches listed with us on Life Coach Directory, to learn more about how they got into coaching, what they can support with and how they approach their work.


This month, we hear from parent coach ADHD specialist, Archna Tharani.

Hi Archna, can you tell us a little about yourself?

I'm an accredited coach with the EMCC and a mum of two children aged 10 and 13. I’m also a Chartered Accountant and previously had a successful career in finance which included running my own business and working as a CFO.

I am fascinated by human behaviour and was drawn to studying a Masters in positive psychology and coaching psychology. I have a curiosity about others and am energised by connecting with people.

What led you to the coaching industry?

I transitioned to become a coach as I wanted to work more directly with people rather than spreadsheets! I am an eternal optimist and firmly believe that each of us can be the creator of our own destiny, but sometimes we lose our way along the journey. Coaching is such a powerful experience that can truly enable us to discover and actively pursue our purpose.

You mention that you help parents of children with ADHD. Can you tell us more about how coaching can help here? 

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects approximately 5% of children worldwide. It is a pervasive condition that impacts functioning in all areas of life and children display emotional, behavioural, social and academic challenges.

The hyperactive child usually presents with high irritability and can display anger and physical aggression leading to chaotic family environments. Research has shown that parents of children with ADHD experience more stress than parents of typical children and are more at risk of mental health issues.

There is no “cure” for ADHD but a multimodal treatment approach is recommended for managing the condition. This may include medication and behavioural interventions along with diet, exercise, and other interventions. Parents’ well-being and the relationship with their children is essential for positive outcomes for the family. Coaching with an ADHD specialised coach can provide essential support to parents in implementing a multimodal approach. 

Although there is extensive information available about ADHD, there is a gap in direct support given to parents in implementing what they have learnt. ADHD coaching enables parents to set goals and implement solutions to their specific challenges.

You also mention that you help with parental burnout. Can you explain why this can be common and how coaching can support?

Parenting a child with additional needs adds a heavy layer of anxiety, fear and guilt on top of the usual concerns of parenting. Managing ADHD in your child requires hyper-vigilance, and the relentless physical and emotional demands can take their toll on the parents. As ADHD is hereditary, often the parents may also be dealing with their own ADHD, and the additional demands can trigger chronic anxiety and stress leading to burnout. 

The ability to cope with stress is essential for dealing with daily life challenges and improving well-being. Coping can be defined as the cognitive and behavioural responses used by individuals to manage stressors that exceed their personal resources.

Positive emotions play an important role in coping well with stress. Coaching can help to alleviate stress by building resilience and positive coping strategies. Identifying the triggers and building psychological resources as part of the coaching process can alleviate parental burnout. 

What should someone expect from a coaching session with you?

I focus on building a strong, positive relationship with my clients and have unconditional positive regard and respect. We set clear expectations and outcomes of the coaching process. As a specialist in ADHD, I share my knowledge where relevant to provide additional resources.

I provide a safe and supportive space and use a positive psychology approach to promote well-being alongside achieving goals. I love using tools and exercises that enable the clients to go deeper within themselves, as the more we know ourselves, the better progress we can make in our lives. 

What is one thing you wish more people knew about coaching?

The relationship between the coach and client is key in bringing about powerful transformation. 

The coaching industry is vast and ranges from those who are unqualified to individuals with multiple degrees and qualifications. Do the research and try coaching with several different coaches to find the one that you really connect with and that meets your needs. 


The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Life Coach Directory are reviewed by our editorial team.

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Written by Katherine Nicholls
Kat is a Senior Writer for Life Coach Directory and Happiful magazine.

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