Careers after lockdown in 2020
There is no doubt that COVID-19 will need to be paid for after furlough payments stop, for other business reasons (it is a good excuse for some businesses) and of course, it is going to take some sectors a great deal of time to get back to where they were before. So redundancies will be rife in the next few months. Many businesses will need to slim down and, in some cases, start again.

Many individuals have enjoyed working from home and cannot understand why they have in the past spent so much time commuting and could well be considering their own career future too, possibly wanting greater work/life balance.
So there is going to be a lot of change going forward. It is interesting to see the three topics showing great interest, includes redundancies/careers and confidence.
At a time of great change or being shown the door by a company self-belief can take a huge hit but it does not need to with the right support. Many years ago being made redundant was a blight on your CV but not anymore, most people are made redundant sometime in their life (I was made redundant three times in 10 years for different reasons)
Redundancy can be a real opportunity but you need to be in the right headspace. Before going for interviews you need to have got through the hurt (the grieving curve) before you go and sell your own wares. Coaching can help you go through this process as well as preparing you with looking for the right job with the right employer. The last thing you want to do is jump from the frying pan into the fire! (I managed to do this on at least one occasion which I wouldn't have done with the right support.)
Your own self-esteem and having time to reflect is vitally important to ensure your next role works for you. I recall coaching a person who thought he wanted to do something totally different using his previous knowledge which was actually out of date. In the end, he realised he didn't want to go back to work and found another financial solution and retired. I have heard of a number of people deciding to retire during lockdown (I am a retirement coach too).
So whether it is after redundancy, career transition, or rebuilding self-esteem it is so important to take your time, reflect and consider what is really important to you and, of course, we are all different. What are your values? Is a future company going to have similar values to you, which will mean you will be more likely to enjoy your future career?
Some people have a good idea of what they are looking for whilst others want to start again and that is OK. The coaching process caters for this.
Whatever happens to you over the next few months there are always other opportunities. It might take a bit longer under the present circumstances, but if you use a coach you are more likely to get the job which you are going to enjoy going forward. As my wife says we are only here once so we might as well enjoy ourselves!