Breaking down 'remote' coaching for you

Our digital online support services have appeared before us much faster than we anticipated perhaps, with the appearance of the pandemic lockdown. Although coaching has fast become a face to face service, online is just as effective and even before 2020 was a convenient online option too.


The pros and cons of online services

Cons might be the expectation that you aren't able to connect with the coach as easily, that you cannot read their body language and instinctive responses - but we can.  We can still trust our intuitive responses to someone and their messages - that works both ways, client to coach and vice versa.

Coaching clients realise this is just as effective by phone or video, with email support too perhaps, as many people access it from workspaces but more, now, from home too.

Telephone coaching helps because it is quick and easy to access when you need it, not just at your appointment time but also in between - if your coach agrees to this option.

Once you begin coaching online or face to face when that option reappears, you may find it more helpful and impactful than you expected. Why? Because although we each naturally set goals in some areas of life like holidays, next job or recognise natural needs like family and belonging, love and relationships, you may have been putting things off for a long time. How long has it been?

One of the expected 'cons' for potential clients is that it will be less personal than face to face, but it isn't and it is just as helpful and proactive too.

Coaches will 'read' what is happening on screen as well as off, hearing your tone and pitch change in your voice and see the tell-tale signs of what your mind is really meaning - not just the words you use, but how you are using them.

If you feel that you might not be as committed to 'attend' online meetings it is your responsibility to manage that, with your coaches help, maybe, but it is influenced by the value you place on the process to help you achieve your goals and make your dreams come true.

Privacy may be a concern but you can make the space and ask for support from work colleagues or family to help you get where you need to go, and again, it's up to you how much you believe you can manage your environment (maybe this is part of your coaching steps to achieve too!)

Some of the positives of online coaching are the following:

Although it is believed by some that a change of scenery or different environment can offer new perspectives, being at home also has the convenience of space, comfort, commute removed and timing of appointments make up for that.

Maybe it helps you to be in your own space and an environment you have created for yourself already that meets your needs and frees you up to think forward, not having to manage an additional problem.

It can help that the whole process is easier and so more attainable and maintainable for you without a commute, parking, time taking adding to your day away from home or office.

Quick and easy to arrange - shorter lead time, immediate help for a current situation or idea, or crisis that can benefit from talking over, planning steps and taking action that coaching offers. And maybe additional help of having it written down for reminders and reference, or monitoring your progress towards your 'dreams with a timescale' goals.

So, if you weren't sure before about phone or video coaching sessions it might be that the above pros and cons help you to take the step, take a calculated risk, to undertake the coaching you have been thinking about for a while now.


The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Life Coach Directory are reviewed by our editorial team.

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