8 ways coaching can build confidence

A large majority of people would say that they would like to improve their confidence, although that word isn't really a tangible thing that can be measured across people, as even two people may define confidence differently. This continued vagueness as to how we each determine what confidence means is probably the reason why it's a popular subject that humans search for.


Even though it can be explained in many ways from person to person, we all know what confidence feels like for us, or how we'd like to feel when we have confidence.

Due to these issues, it's difficult to prescribe a fixed system for building confidence that is assured to work for everyone. Instead, several different people have attempted to devise a method that could work for a noticeable number of people, although it could be argued that many of these systems only have short-term effects for most people, and the successful outliers are used to promote the method to others, which isn't really an ethical way of working.

In order to find an approach to this problem that doesn't fall into the trap of making false promises, we need to use some lateral thinking.

Going through a number of aspects associated with confidence from a coaching perspective, here's how working with a coach can improve one's confidence.

1. Starting from a safe place

The working partnership between a client and their coach is designed to feel secure from the beginning, allowing the client to explore their way forward without fearing judgement. This feeling of security is an ideal point to start growing confidence, as it reduces or removes any fears that may be blocking an individual from making the progress that's required in order to acquire the self-belief that's a fundamental aspect of confidence.

2. Strengths and values

Identifying what matters to a client helps to give them a worthwhile direction in life's pursuits, guiding them in what can be added to their goals and routines, and more importantly what can be reduced or removed if it doesn't align with the client's overarching values. The implementation of this can take a few sessions, as it may reveal a number of limiting beliefs and other blockages which need to be addressed before further progress can be made, although this movement builds on the self-belief mentioned in the previous aspect of confidence.

3. Dealing with limiting beliefs 

Following on from the uncovering of limiting beliefs discussed earlier, it's vital that these are addressed, with a plan made to leave these negative perspectives behind so that they don't create further barriers to growth. This can also take time to embed into one's automatic way of working, as it means reprogramming the existing mindset that we've been cultivating since birth. If working with a coach to do this, they will refine the process to create the optimal programme that works for your way of being. This is one of the biggest barriers to individual confidence, so also offers the most results when tackled effectively.

4. Develop a growth mindset 

There are multiple areas of the growth mindset that will aid in the pursuit of confidence. This is such a deep topic in itself that it requires a specific commitment to working on this aspect in order to get the most productive outcome. Seeing it as the opposite of the fixed mindset is an essential level of what's going on here. Who wouldn't prefer to live a life centred around growth rather than one with a belief that all future events have been predetermined?

5. Clarify clear goals and actions 

With a mindset in place that works in your favour, it's a good time to start focusing on your big, overarching goals. These are the main ambitions you have for yourself and how you'd like to be seen both externally and internally. Having already begun developing your confidence using the previous elements, testing your abilities more outwardly can confirm to you how far you've improved to this point, as evidence of achievement is pivotal for self-esteem and therefore confidence.

6. Encouragement and accountability 

Whether you hold yourself accountable or use family, friends, or a coach, having outside influence and expectation can be extremely valuable when building confidence. This person or these people can provide the necessary support and encouragement that's needed to overcome tough spots, especially if you begin second-guessing your chosen path. Ideally in the future, you'll be able to do this yourself, but while you're still building your confidence then there's nothing wrong with outsourcing this crucial role.

7. Building practical real-life skills

Whether they're already a part of the goals you're now setting for yourself, learning new and or improving current skills is another aspect of evidence you use to prove your capabilities. These could be physical skills like coding and learning a foreign language, or soft skills like communication and leadership. The more abilities you can acquire, the more likely that this will help you feel confident to face the associated challenges.

8. Reflective practice

The final element for confidence building is vital in order to maintain and consolidate all of the work carried out in the previous elements. Being able to effectively and regularly reflect on one's actions can be very useful to continue having a confident approach to life in general, as well as any specific areas that can be individually refined. Knowing that this reflective practice will reveal the way to uncover the areas of improvement and reveal the plan to address the areas identified, will make one feel confident that there's always a way through despite any unexpected problems which might arise.

All of these aspects can help you build confidence whether you do it through working with a coach or working on your own. Coaching is all about helping you unlock your own empowerment to get out of life what you're looking for.

This article could be enough information in itself to inspire you to begin taking the necessary actions for greater confidence. Whichever path you choose to take, the building blocks have been laid out for you, so best wishes for all of your future endeavours.


The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Life Coach Directory are reviewed by our editorial team.

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Norwich, Norfolk, NR7
Written by Rob Palmer
ICF Accredited Personal Development Coach
location_on Norwich, Norfolk, NR7
Rob coaches men aged 30-45 who’ve achieved traditional success but still feel unfulfilled. Known for his mix of deep listening and honest challenge, Rob helps clients move beyond their comfort zones to find purpose and authenticity. True success, he believes, isn’t about titles or wealth but about living with meaning and by your values.

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