How Self Aware Are You?
Firstly, what is self- awareness? Self–awareness is to know yourself well: your likes, your dislikes, your strengths, weaknesses and why you think and behave in certain ways. It helps you understand what you want and what you don’t want from dating, a partner and life in general. Coaching is all about promoting self-awareness.
If you feel it is really hard to think about your strengths ask a friend. They will find it easy to give you a long list of all the things they like about you. Also if you don’t know what’s great about you, how will anyone know? Here are some other questions that will help you be self aware.
- What do you enjoy doing? Make a list.
- If you won the lottery tomorrow what would you do with your time?
- What is important to you?
- What are you most proud of?
- What are your best features?
- What do your friends like about you?
- What one word would best describe you?
- If you were an animal what animal would you be? Explain why you have chosen that animal
- If life is a journey, whereabouts are you on the journey?
- …and what vehicle are you in?
- you know where you are going?
- …are you in the driving seat?
- What do you most admire in others?
- If a miracle happened and you could have everything you ever wanted, what would life be like? Describe……
Hopefully the answers to these questions will help you feel more self-aware, this can help with, understanding yourself better and can help with self reflection and also comes in handy when doing things like writing dating profiles or your CV!