Summer Clean Your Life!

Very few of us will make little or no changes to our home or appearance, yet so very few us make any real alterations to our lives!

If we’re really honest with ourselves; we make little time to sit back, reflect and weigh up just exactly what is going on around us. We don’t pause for life! What is going on around us effects how we feel about ourselves, others and things for the most part; and yet most of us do little or nothing about it. To be fair our 100 mph society is not advantageous in this regard and neither is the daily routine that most of us accept more often than not with little relish!

We seek that annual break in the sun, by the beach, away from the 9-5, switching off our mobiles and online access (with difficulty for some of us) for good reason – in short, static life overload is NOT good for us.

How many of us keep material, documents, files of useless bumph, connections, ‘friends’ that offer no real value whatsoever?

I too am just as guilty; but today I told myself – John, all this useless stuff around you is a source of BLOCKAGE; it’s hindering and diluting your real spirit, your instinct to laugh and be jolly, to explore and be adventurous - your desire for the NEW!

Think about it, how many of us go to sleep after a long day in our ‘chosen’ place of work giving thought to how many hours remains until we wake up for more of the same? I tell you this is not being ALIVE, we are merely living until we can’t live anymore.

The fact is, in the same way we need to daily drink up to two litres of water to remove the barrage of toxins within our bodies (most of us don’t), we should be taking the symbolic broom in our hands and sweeping out all the toxins in our lives too!

So here’s my message before we embark on a weekend of hopeful mental and body refreshment… it may be a cliché, but ‘live each day as if it was your last’ (if you can!).

Turn down the volume of useless static, sever the hangers-on, invest in yourself and realise your true worth – summer clean your life right now!


The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Life Coach Directory are reviewed by our editorial team.

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