Supernanny Jo Frost shares parenting tips

Supernanny Jo Frost talks to WebMD about her top parenting tips and shares secrets about how to keep even the most unruly children under control. Here are our highlights from the interview:

Jo’s top three tips that she believes every parent should know when raising their children began with advise to think about what kind of parent you really want to be and what your family values are. It is these values which will determine things you do together as a family as well as helping children to grow up being more responsible and nurturing.

Jo’s second tip was to lead by example and try not to be hypocritical. Children tend to look up to their parents and are inspired and influenced by what we do and the qualities that we possess. It is for this reason that it is essential we act as positive role models for them, because they will undoubtedly mirror our behaviour. Show respect to your children and in return they will show respect back.

Lastly, Jo highlights the fact that parents need to spend plenty of time with their children as this is what will help them to grow up happy and healthy with lots of fond memories. Time is irreplaceable so make sure you spend plenty of it with your children.

In terms of what not to do, Jo recommends that parents always ensure that they have realistic expectations of their children. For example if you already have a child who is toilet trained and able to wash and dress themselves then don’t be surprised or frustrated that your newborn can’t do any of that just yet. Always try to understand what your children are capable of.

If you would like to read the full interview for more great tips, please visit the original interview here.

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Written by Emma Hilton
Written by Emma Hilton
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